Now that we've made it through, what I like to call, "the nasty newborns" (the first 8 weeks of a baby's life), I hope to stay a little more on top of the blog. After waking every 3 hours throughout the night and day to eat the first 7 weeks of his life, the Burke man has now decided to go from about 10:30 pm-6 am every night. To say I feel like a human being again is an understatement. There were a lot of days these past few months where I literally felt like I might not make it. I know, very dramatic of me to say, but there for awhile, it was really, really rough. I know it should have been a breeze for me after dealing with two newborns at one time, but breastfeeding was a whole new beast and our little Burkester wasn't so fond of dozing right back to sleep after eating. Also, naps become non-existent when you're trying to keep up with two crazy toddlers and the demands of a newbie. I'll be honest, there were many moments where I completely lost all patience with everyone and wanted nothing more than to lock myself in the bedroom, sleep, and not see any of my children for at least 24 hours. I think we maybe hit rock bottom one day when I heard Sophie utter her first curse word (the "D" word. You know, the one that rhymes with "bammit"...). I know, go ahead and crown me mom of the year. I have a feeling I will always look back on this time of our lives as a blur of exhaustion, prayers, coffee and crying.
With all that being said, I finally feel like I'm seeing a light at the end of this crazy tunnel. I'm fairly certain our life will never be "easy" again, but I'm starting to feel like I can really handle it all. And, like all challenges in life, I feel like I grow every day, and am becoming more confident in my ability as a mom.
So, now that I've recapped the last few weeks for you, here are a few pics of our crazy lives.
B at one month
Burke in his cute onesie from the Seats. :)
Meeting Mema
The girls and Ridley at cousin Canon's 4th birthday party
The birthday boy and his adorable buddies
A little nude painting on the patio during one of Burke's morning naps
Sophie tried sampling the paint and ended up with some rad lipstick.
And last but not least, smiles from Burke!
Hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!