Aren't these cute? They're measuring cups! I might also add I would like for them to sit on the kitchen counter of our new house sometime soon...

If and when I am with child, I would like to look as cute as she does. I just love cute pregnant women. Although I'm a bit fuller in the hips and thighs, this could be doable if I stop eating all forms of carbs, and begin a rigorous workout routine that involves running long distances every day. In fact, I'll just stop driving and run everywhere. That might work.

And this is the lovely abode my dear friends and we will be shacking up in over spring break on Lake Travis in Austin, TX. My wish? That the next 3 weeks will fly by. Oh, and for 80 degree, sunny weather.

I just love this idea. This is definitely at the top of my wishlist. Only with our wedding date: 6-7-08 in the frame. :) Again, bonus if it could be hanging in our new home. Super cute website. They also have dates for baby births!
I wish the wishlist ended here. I could go on and on, but I'll stop for now.
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