Well, I hope all of you had a wonderfully happy 4th! In spite of having to stick to our feeding every 3 hours/multiple naps a day schedule (see blog post title), we had a pretty great long weekend. We went swimming 2 days in a row (thank goodness my girls love the water), had a few cookouts, slept in, went on a few family outings, and started (but were unable to finish) some 4th of July festivities this evening (I'm not naming any names, but Campbell Jane, you know who you are...) Aaah parenthood. Our normal 4th of July tradition of staying up late, having a grand time with friends, and shooting off fireworks at 10:00 at night did not happen this year. And now I sit here blogging at 9:30, while listening to all the fireworks go off from a distance. We are optimistically hoping next year our girls will realize how fun it is to eat hot dogs and ice cream and stay up past their bedtime to celebrate our nation's independence. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, here are a few pics of our weekend. Oh, and in case anyone cares, I did make the raspberry butter, pioneer woman french toast (see below). After having dreams about it the other night, I decided to grab the ingredients yesterday at the store. Boy, was I not sorry. Kyle said it was better than pancakes (this is a very bold statement on his part). I highly suggest this one.

They look SO big here! Crazy to think they used to sleep in a pack and play together, and now they can't even fit in one crib together. :(
baby in a swimsuit+sun hat+sunglasses=mom taking 1,000 pictures
make that 2,000 pictures since there are two of them :)
Bubba and Sophie splashing around
Daddy and CJ. Is it just me, or is she posing?
Such an ornery little girl
Wouldn't be a day at the pool without snacks
Sophie=the snack queen
Fun pool day at the Maxwells!
Sophie looking up, Campbell looking down
Campbell looking up, Sophie looking down
I can't see a thing, but I look pretty cute.
Patriotic Princesses
Here's hoping next year our girls increased "independence" makes for a more exciting holiday! :)
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