With that said, here are a few things lately that have made me smile.
Here is 19413 Fieldshire Drive in progress. I know you can't see it yet, but it's beautiful! I'm hoping to get some better pics with a non-iphone camera soon.
And aren't Kyle's little chicken legs cute in this one? ;)
It's a little embarassing how exciting and giddy I got over seeing these today. This is the first monogrammed item I have gotten for the girls, and it just made me smile from ear to ear when I picked them up. But don't worry, I'm officially on a monogramming spree and just ordered these precious things on etsy.
Oh, and they will go in the girls' bathroom, not over a barstool in our kitchen-FYI.

And this is my little beauty, Sophie Kay. I'm sure Campbell is equally as adorable, but she decided (like her mother) that she wasn't feeling particularly photogenic that day, and abruptly turned her face away from the camera. Weird, because I feel like doing that anytime I see a camera these days, too. Anyways, I think she looks remarkably like her daddy in this one. Is it strange I still can't even fathom that this is in my belly, and will soon be a kicking, screaming real life baby? Because I can't!
Ok, I'm not one to particularly love graphics on a onesie (think: cheesy butterflies, teddy bears, etc. with human faces and hearts, "Mommy's little shopper", "Aren't I cute?", moons and stars, and don't even get me started on how I will have to hold back the puke if someone buys the girls anything with the word "diva" on it). Sorry, can you tell I get easily nauseated with cheesy baby things? However, I am loving everything from this particular dealer on etsy. Cute, hilarious, simple, adorable. She also has a bacon and eggs one.
And my dear, sweet mother-in-law brought the girls a TON of great, adorable stuff this past weekend including purchasing our car seats! I will have to do a separate post on all of the great things she got the girls.
Here's hoping everything continues to move smoothly along... ;)