Sunday, August 29, 2010
Couples Shower
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Belly Pics

Friday, August 27, 2010
Cute Stuff
noo onesie. They also have a bumblebee and cow one. Adorable.
Baby Nay might be my new favorite baby clothing brand. I could literally buy everything on the sale page right now, including this strawberry baby gown.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Baby Stuff

So I really think I want to see this documentary. It's called "Babies." Maybe you've heard of it?
Taloga Shower

After loading up the back of our Tahoe with half of the gifts, we realized we couldn't fit the other half. Kyle's parents are having to bring up the rest next weekend when they come for our couples shower. I can't even tell you how excited all of these showers make me for the arrival of our girls. :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
I love this commercial, for obvious reasons. Thank the Lord I'm only having two, but it will be fun when they are older and start to have their own personalities. I also hope I'm as happy (and sane) as their cute mom...

It's no secret to some of you that my most recent craving has been donuts. Well, originally it was anything doughy covered in cinnamon and sugar (think Auntie Anne's pretzels, sopapillas, cinnamon toast, dessert pizza, etc.). So naturally, it spilled over into donuts. Kyle and I accidentally went to Daylight Donuts 4 Saturdays in a row. Oops. I guess I'm just so obsessed with them because they were something I rarely ate pre-pregnancy. I hated the thought of undoing any good I had done to my body with 58 grams of sugar and fat. Plus, I've always been one to need a hardy, protein-ish breakfast. Donuts just didn't cut it. But now I've realized you can have 2, sometimes 3 donuts, and that definitely fills you up. Bonus points for a sausage kolache.
I also now like referring to them as "do-do's" thanks to my precious nephew, Canon. He's a fan of donuts, as well.
I came across this month's cover of Better Homes and Gardens and, of course, became instantly interested in reading it. The only thing better than Daylight Donuts is homemade donuts. Those of you who have made them know what I mean. They might be the most heavenly, wonderful, scrumptious things in the history of deep fat frying. When my sisters and I were little, my mema used to make these with biscuit dough and her mouth-watering made from scratch frosting. Paired with a cold glass of milk, life doesn't get much better. If you have never ventured to make your own donuts, just roll out a package of biscuit dough, cut into whatever shapes you fancy, throw into a skillet of hot oil until brown, strain and let cool. Toppings can be anything from powdered sugar to cinnamon and sugar, to fruit, frosting...the possibilities are endless!

A more intense, yet still delicious-looking recipe can be found here.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Mommy Cards
I was intrigued when I saw the subject of my tiny prints newsletter in my inbox. So I clicked on the link to find out what in the world "Mommy Cards" were. Well, they are business cards for mommies. Silly? Perhaps. Useless? Most likely. However, for some reason I instantly imagined some chic, New York City mom passing these out to new friends she meets on the playground. I doubt I will ever be an owner of these, but I have to admit they are pretty darn cute.

Thursday, August 19, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things

I got 2 of these wall monograms to put above each crib. Since the narrow part of each crib will be up against the wall, I hope these will fit perfectly.

I have been in love with mongrammed things ever since we came up with names. These newborn sleep gowns (which I've heard are a must-have) are one of my favorite things I've bought for the girls (sorry the lighting is not great). I also just received these sweet little head bands yesterday. Note: I am not accepting of headbands like these.

Ok, these are not an Etsy purchase, they are from my dear sweet mother-in-law. They are worn as little headbands as an infant and someday the girls will get to use them as their garters in their weddings. How sweet (and sentimental) is that?
Saturday, August 14, 2010

And this is an idea I'm currently playing around with for the house. I want the paint throughout the house to be pretty neutral. However, I was recently inspired by this pic in the Pottery Barn catalog. I am toying (ok, pretty much sold) on the idea of turning our entry way wall into an accent wall. I love this color for it, too. We have six of these wooden gallery picture frames already, and I would love to add more similar picture frames, and an 'N', hanging lantern (below), or other neat decor items to the picture wall.

I have a feeling all this planning and dreaming may end up at just that once these sweet girls get here, but it's still fun to play. :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ahhh dance...
If you haven't given yourself the absolute pleasure of watching 'So You Think You Can Dance' this season, then you're welcome for giving you just a taste of the amazement of this show. I take that back- the power of dance in general.
I grew up passionately in love with dance. I hope with everything that my girls fall in love with it the way I did. No, not in love with the crazy stage moms, fame, politics, craziness, etc. that can go with dance, but just the pure joy of it. I was far from ever being the best at it, but that never detracted from how great it felt to express an emotion through your movement. It gave me confidence, passion, and dreams that I will forever be thankful for. I suppose this show is just a wonderful way for me to re-live those days, and stand in absolute awe of the talent this show brings in.
This piece in particular was one of my favorites this season. You will see a little bit of the background before the performance. This is a beautiful dance and a beautiful song. I still can't watch it without tearing up!
Whoops! Click here to watch it!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fun with Paper

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The week before our lives changed forever, we went on a super fun spring break trip to Austin, Texas with some dear friends. I now will forever look at the pictures from that vacation in an entirely different way. Little did we know at the time that our two sweet girls were just beginning to grow in my belly. I now look at these pictures as our first true family photos. Gosh, I still get teary looking at these. It's just another amazing reminder of how crazy life turns out in ways we can just sometimes never predict.

My, oh my, what an ironic, ridiculous pose we have here. Maybe we subconciously knew? ;)

It's already been the journey of my life. Can't wait to see how it continues...
Monday, August 9, 2010
1. What if the babies come far before their due date, causing them to have to be in the NICU? This would mean we potentially don't come home with the babies, and instead have to leave them in the hospital. All 4 girls I know (or know of) that have had twins had them at 33 weeks (this would put me at mid-October) and they had to leave them at the hospital for an extended period of time.
2. In one month, my paycheck ceases to exist...for a long while. Although we are more than prepared financially in terms of savings and our monthly income, it is still very scary to think that my contribution will no longer be there (and once again, with TWO babies to take care of).
3. We are having TWO babies that we will be 100% responsible for in the very near future. While I know any mom, whether it's your first, second, fifth, etc. is overwhelmed in the beginning, it's petrifying to think that I will be responsible for these little ones, and I feel like I know next to nothing about taking care of ONE baby!
4. In reference to the above statement, I have read 2 baby books (which I somehow have a hard time trusting. I mean, it's just a book!) and had a few conversations with moms of twins about several topics (breast feeding/bottle feeding, sleeping, strollers etc.), but I honestly stear clear of doing internet research simply because it gives me heart palpitations and scares the bejesus out of me. It seems like everything I come across about twin infants leads me to believe I will have preterm, unhealthy babies (see #1). Am I in denial?
5. As if the anxiety of caring for two isn't enough, we are also going to be finishing our new house right around the same exact time the girls are due. This means I will get to move into a new house, unpack and organize, and somehow maintain a home all while being insanely sleep-deprived and caring for two infants. Yes, I know I will have the help of family and friends, but it is still extremely daunting to me.
On a more vain, and perhaps humorous note, I'm also petrified that I will look like a scary, make-up-less, greasy haired, sweat pant wearing monster that can't seem to get rid of the last 20 pounds of baby weight (probably because I'm living on ramen noodles and frozen pizza while Kyle works the night shift at 7-11). Will our house still have boxes of unpacked picture frames 6 months after we move in? Will there be anything on our walls besides the 55 inch flat screen my husband is insisting we need for our living room? Well, I guess we shall see.
So, there you have it. Babies, finances, home building. All have the potential to create a fair amount of stress in your life, and we get to experience all 3 at once. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kyle and I are blessed beyond what we deserve, truly. So while it's incredibly easy for me to see the scary part in all of this, I want so desperately to see this as an opportunity to stretch my faith. This will require me to put more faith and trust in myself, others and God more than I probably ever have in my life.
My mema once made a comment that our family comes from "hardy stock." I've sometimes thought about that statement when I'm going through something challenging.
So here is hoping my "stock" is "hardy" enough to endure this exhilaratingly exhausting season of our lives.
Oh, and if you're free around mid October-the next year, I could use your help... ;)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Plate Wall

I received 4 of these from Williams Sonoma as a wedding gift. I would love to incorporate one or more into the wall.

This flamingo one is fun. I saw it on a blog, but I'm not sure where it's from.

And these precious ones are from, no other than, anthropologie. I would love one of each!

And even if I never get around to doing a whole wall, I would adore having this plate to put on a little display piece somewhere in my kitchen. Also an anthro piece.
It would be fun if I could come across some pretty ones at an antique store to add.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And what is more sentimental than a locket? I found this darling one on etsy for $18. It opens up, and I would love to put a pic of each girl in it.
Did I mention sentimentalism can also be economical when it comes to decorating a nursery?
I could go on and on about my obsession with all things sentimental. I suppose it just warms my heart, and I can only hope it warms my girls surroundings when they arrive.