Thursday, September 30, 2010
Infertility and Tabloids
1. US Weekly
2. Life & Style
3. In Touch
4. OK Magazine
5. Star
You can thank me the next time you have to make this all-too-important decision.
And now onto the second topic. If you are a Guliana and Bill Rancic fan like me, you will want to DVR or watch The View tomorrow (Friday, 10/1). I was first interested in them because I just think their relationship is adorable. Kyle and I got pretty into watching their reality show and still like to call each other "Rancic" on occasion (inside joke-you gotta watch the show). However, I became even more intrigued watching the show once they started to discuss their desire to get pregnant and then their subsequent infertility issues. Over the last few months I haven't kept up with them as much, but discovered that they actually had a miscarriage and continue to struggle with infertility. I remember finding comfort in their struggles as they seemingly went through infertility issues at the same time we did. Tomorrow they will be discussing the miscarriage and infertility on The View (for a preview, look here). I hope and pray that their struggles end soon, and they are blessed with a healthy baby. On a side note, I also hope, by some insane miracle, to have her body after having these babies. Oh, and her wardrobe. And hair.
Happy "View"-ing! :)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A Little Fall Love
Ok, back to food. So this morning I was blessed with this insanely delicious-sounding recipe to reignite my love of fall (Thanks, Mary!). I am super excited to make and eat this entire batch. Especially since my sweet mom just bought some decaf pumpkin spice coffee for me. These two together might be heaven. If you venture to make this amazing recipe, I'd love to hear your reviews!
**Update: I made these yesterday, and they are delicious. Word of warning: they are a labor of love. It took about an hour and a half to make these start to finish. I'll let you decide if it's worth it. For what it's worth, we started out with 24 muffins at the Ball House and are down to about 6!
Pumpkin and Cream Cheese Muffins
8 ounce(s) cream cheese
3 eggs
2 1/2 cup(s) sugar
2 1/2 cup(s) flour
1/4 cup(s) pecans, roughly chopped
3 tablespoon(s) butter, melted
2 1/2 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
1/4 teaspoon(s) baking soda
1 1/4 cup(s) solid-packed pumpkin
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Infertility re-visited
So, why do I bring all of this up when clearly infertility is no longer an issue for me? It is something that I will forever hold dear to my heart. There are millions of women every day all over the world who feel the hurt and loss of not being about to conceive a child. I know firsthand how it feels. And while Kyle and I had only just put a toe in the water of infertility before discovering we were pregnant, many women go through years and years of anguish before finding their own miracles. I wouldn't change a single thing about our journey. Earlier this year, I would have thought I was crazy for saying that. However, looking back at the 10 months or so we endured of wondering why we couldn't get pregnant, I realized that God had some incredibly important lessons to teach me through it, and it was really a beautiful, perfect journey. And I am a much stronger, more faith-filled person because of it.
I know there are people reading this blog that I do not know, or do not know very well. Initially this made me uncomfortable because I have shared a lot of personal thoughts and feelings on here, and I didn't want random people just creeping around. I have even very seriously contemplated making it private, and may someday do so. However, I am going to try to stick to my initial plan of being open and honest about my life, and I hope if you do follow this blog, that you will officially become a follower, so I can be aware of who is reading these random posts.
I'm thankful to have finally realized the truth behind the name of this blog. So, in conclusion, I'll leave you with this... ;)
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A little controversy to spice things up...
So it seems like in the last month or so, I have been indundated with fascinating movies/documentaries about the controversial Mormon religion. I have always been (and really, who isn't?) fascinated with extreme forms of religions (or what most would call-cults). Before I dig into this, let me just say that some of my most favorite people I have known or know are Mormons. I also realize that the majority of the "crazy" stuff we see about the religion pertains to the fundamentalist or extreme radical Mormons. I also, at one point in my life, truly pursued what the religion itself was really about as I had a very close, long-term relationship with a guy that was Mormon. I wanted to give it a fair shot before deciding that the relationship may not ever go any further. And, upon a LOT of studying and prayer, I decided that I could never fully believe in the religion, and there were too many questions I felt had no real answer, or the real answer was hidden from me in some form. To me, any religion that "hides" things from non-members is not something our God would endorse. Nonetheless, I realize that saying this may offend anyone reading this who is a member of the church. I don't apologize for my beliefs, so I guess you should perhaps stop reading at this point if you are indeed offended.
With that said, I have thoroughly enjoyed this recent overflow of Mormon entertainment. My friend, Mary, first told me about The Mormon Proposition. This is a documentary (if you wish to see it, you can rent it On Demand underneath all of the other movies section). It was an incredibly intense look at the Proposition 8 vote that happened in California, and how much the Mormon church was involved in seeing it overturned. Moreover, how secretive and shady the church was in its involvement. The idea of gay marriage is in direct contradiction of the Mormon belief of what happens in heaven. I have to say I was blown away at the horrendous and drastic measures the church has taken against homosexuals. This movie is well worth the price of the rental. And, in my opinion, a good reminder of how Jesus would never treat any individual.
If you are looking for some good sister wife entertainment, The 19th Wife is a fabulous lifetime movie (and who doesn't love a good lifetime movie?) centered around the fundamentalist Mormon communitites, and all of the horrific brainwashing that takes place in one of these. Special thanks to another Mormon-fascinated friend of mine for informing me about this movie! It has an excellent and intense plot. It's also based upon a true story from the 1800's (I think) written by one of Brigham Young's wives. And lucky you, I just discovered today that you can watch the full movie here! So if you have a few hours to indulge, you won't be sorry you did.
And, last but not least, the TV Show I am looking forward to more than any other TV Show ever-Sister Wives on TLC. As soon as you are able to, you should set your DVR to record this show at 9 pm on Sunday, September 26th. All I can say is that it looks to be everything you want in a reality show and more. One man. Three wives. And a fourth in the works. How can this disappoint? I also must credit yet another friend for informing me about this show (gosh, I'm lucky to have so many friends to share my Mormon fascination with!).
Ok, so now that I have excited you about this controversial yet intriguing topic, I hope you enjoy these features as much as I have!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Shower Fun
Again, credit to Aunt Sara. |
Diaper cakes and real cake. Adorable and delicious (the real cake, that is). |
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday Girly Fun
Monday, September 13, 2010
A New Hobby
So today when I was aimlessly walking around Hobby Lobby after finding the picture frame I came to get (why does this always happen), I somehow ended up in one of the scrapbooking aisles (I currently do not even scrapbook) and came across these cute little flowery things that looked very similar to the rosettes that are on some headbands I recently ordered from etsy (see above). I got this crazy idea that I could find some elastic and somehow attach them. Well, low and behold I did find some elastic and voila! I would like to find some other elastic colors, but I am pretty pleased with these for now.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Canon!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
As my due date rapidly approaches, I can't help but be more and more intrigued by what these girls are going to look like. Will they look alike? Completely different? Like Kyle? Like me? Neither of us? I am DYING to know! It's hard to believe they won't be adorable by looking at the above pics. And can I just say how fashion forward my mom was by putting me in leg warmers? Let's just hope they get their hair gene from my side seeing as how Kyle was bald until he was 4. But he sure was a wittle cutie pie.
Many of you continue to ask how I'm feeling/how things are going with the pregnancy, so I thought I'd give a quick update. I am 29 weeks, and starting to feel very much pregnant with twins. I really have been pretty active throughout the day, walking several miles most days, running errands, etc. The heat of summer has worn me out somedays, forcing me to sit in the air conditioning towards the end of the day. However, this past week (mostly when I would go walking) I started to notice more contractions (not the painful kind-the stomach-tightening type) which is very normal for this stage of my pregnancy. I brought this up to my doctor the other day, and he suggested that I cut back the walking a bit since I don't need to be doing anything to risk going into pre-term labor. I also start going to see him every 2 weeks for the next 4 weeks, and then it will jump up to every week. Yikes! These girls continue to get more and more active every day. It seems like I feel them constantly kicking and moving around, which is by far the best part of being pregnant. The stretch marks have made their way onto the bottom of the belly, and I'm sure will only multiply from here on out. :) Sleeping becomes more and more difficult, and I'm pretty lucky to get 4-5 hours in a row, which isn't a huge deal since I have all day to nap whenever I want. I suppose this is another way God prepares us for the soon-to-be crazy sleeping schedule.
We are rapidly accumulating everything we will need for the girls-especially clothes! Sometimes I think I will just want to play dress-up with them all day to ensure they get to wear all of them.
I still cannot fathom what it will be like looking into their faces, and feeling the love and responsibility of caring for 2 little baby girls. I'm thrilled and petrified beyond belief.
Kyle and I continue to be so thankful for all of your prayers as we finish the last leg of this pregnancy and beyond. We know so many of you are equally as excited to meet them. :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Good Advice

Monday, September 6, 2010
Full House

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Dads of Twins
So my sportscenter-loving husband was talking about this incredible tennis play from the U.S. Open the other day. I decided to youtube it so I could see the "Federer betweeen the legs shot" myself. And, it's pretty incredible. But what really caught my attention is what the sports announcer says right after the play-"I guess when you have twins, you don't worry about that kind of stuff." Say what? So I googled it and, low and behold...

he is a daddy of twin girls. I immediately shared this information with Kyle to reinforce that "cool guys" have daughters...especially twin daughters. Although I'm 99% certain his initial ambivalence about 2 girls has turned into excitement.
Anyways, here's to twins. :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My recent obsession of the week has been curtains. I think that curtains really complete any room and add so much warmth. I have a tendency to be really picky when it comes to these while at the same time being somewhat economical. I don't have to tell anyone reading this that curtains add up quick. I know I will end up having some made due to awkwardly sized windows in our house (cha-ching, cha-ching). So my plan is to spread out ordering/making these over the next several months so that they are ready to hang when we move in. Crazy? I know. Here are a few ideas...
Sigh...I'm in love with these curtains for our kitchen. But, as luck would have it, they do not make one wide enough to fit the middle window. I don't know why I keep torturing myself looking at them. Since I'm thinking these will have to be made, hopefully I can find a similar fabric to this.
I really am leaning toward something pretty simple for our living room. I like the above ones (and not only because they are on sale right now at PB) in this color, ivory, or green.

And I just really like this little tie back from Ballard's. Since we are going to do something pretty neutral in the living room, I'm thinking about getting these to spice up whatever curtains we do get.
Kyle is taking the day off tomorrow (yeah!), and we plan on doing some major decision-making as far as house interior goes. So I'm sure I will be making a similar post later on about tile, faucets, carpet, or something equally as exciting.
Pray for me...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Oh, fall....
Judge away...

Dear pregnancy:
You take away sushi, alcohol, unpasteurized cheeses (Ok, I don't know what these are but don't think I eat them), roller coasters, sleep, advil, my sexy body (Ok, if I had one before, it would be gone), and I'm sure other things I can't think of. If you want to know the truth, some days I want someone to give me a trophy or public recognition for doing good things for my body 24/7. While pregnancy is incredible and a gift, it's also not for the faint at heart. One thing I refuse to give up, that many pregnant women would cast me off into the group of women that abuse prescription drugs and cocaine while pregnant for drinking, is coffee. More specifically, iced coffees from Starbucks. Truth be told, judgers, if you do the research, as long as you do not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine a day (2-3 cups of coffee), it is totally and completely fine (if I remembered how to "cite" a work in a research paper, I would here). But still, I've seen many a noble preggo proudly display her cup of decaf as if to show the world that she refuses to expose her fetus to the evils of caffeine. Perhaps I say all of this to make myself feel better. Perhaps you will now tell your friend about "this girl" you know that drinks (gasp) caffeinated coffee frequently while with child. But while you're doing this, I'll be at Starbucks. And a little more perky, at that.
Cheers. :)